A Communion with Nature

Find ultimate relaxation and uninterrupted peace in our heavenly garden. Lose yourself amidst the unspoiled nature and unmatched history of Mount Ida.

Start Your Day with a Blissful Smile

Wake up in your uniquely designed rustic stone room. Breathe in the world-renowned air of Mount Ida flowing in.

Fresh, Natural, and Delicious

Embark on a culinary journey that starts at local producers' orchards and ends in our gourmet kitchen. Fresh, natural ingredients served with passion.

A Region Worth Discovering

The breathtaking atmosphere of Mount Ida is not the only thing that awaits you. Assos, Tenedos and other magical destinations also invite you to explore.

Mount Ida: A World to Experience

Mount Ida offers exquisite experiences for every season. Discover the region's natural and historical treasures with our tailor-made guided tours.


Our 9 uniquely designed rooms are a harmonious blend of country chic and urban comfort.



Pick any season to visit and we will gladly offer you the ideal experience from our custom selection of day-trips and excursions.